Compote Centerpiece
Burgundy/red and blush beautiful table arrangement with Garden Roses, roses, spray roses, ranunculus, lisianthus, astrantia and hypericum with some eucalyptus, ruscus, and leucadendron. Designed in a vintage style compote stand 5.25"x7.5"x4.25" ideal for reception round table. But you can also use it on a rectangular table, just add a few accent arrangements (such as cocktail arrangement) or candles on the side of the table.
Burgundy/red and blush beautiful table arrangement with Garden Roses, roses, spray roses, ranunculus, lisianthus, astrantia and hypericum with some eucalyptus, ruscus, and leucadendron. Designed in a vintage style compote stand 5.25"x7.5"x4.25" ideal for reception round table. But you can also use it on a rectangular table, just add a few accent arrangements (such as cocktail arrangement) or candles on the side of the table.
Burgundy/red and blush beautiful table arrangement with Garden Roses, roses, spray roses, ranunculus, lisianthus, astrantia and hypericum with some eucalyptus, ruscus, and leucadendron. Designed in a vintage style compote stand 5.25"x7.5"x4.25" ideal for reception round table. But you can also use it on a rectangular table, just add a few accent arrangements (such as cocktail arrangement) or candles on the side of the table.